Delores Wells

Delores in “Redheads”

Playboy Playmate Delores Wells in Redheads

Delores Wells, Playmate of the Month June 1960, pictured in the book “Playboy: Redheads” (2005)

Delores Wells Susie Scott Teddi Smith

Susie, Teddi and Delores in South African edition

South African Playboy pictorial Bunny Chow

Susie Scott, Playmate of the Month February 1960, Teddi Smith, Playmate of the Month July 1960, and Delores Wells, Playmate of the Month June 1960, pictured in South African edition pictorial Bunny Chow, April 2012. In top photo, Susie is seated at right, along long with other Playmates Christa Speck, Joyce Nizzari, Carrie Radison, Joni Mattis and Sheralee Conners with Hugh Hefner in 1960. In the bottom right photo, Teddi and Delores are at right, along with fellow Playmates Christa Speck and Carrie Radison in an image from the pictorial A Playmate Pillow Fight, February 1963.

Delores Wells

Delores in digital image of centerfold

Playboy Playmate Delores Wells

Delores Wells, Playmate of the Month June 1960, pictured in digital image of her centerfold

Delores Wells

Delores in Ukrainian edition

Playboy Playmate Delores Wells in Ukrainian Playboy

Delores Wells, Playmate of the Month June 1960, pictured in Ukrainian edition feature Галерия Playboy, July 2010

Delores Wells

Delores in World of Playboy

World of Playboy

Delores Wells, Playmate of the Month June 1960, (left middle) pictured in World of Playboy item about the book “The Complete Centerfolds: 1953-2016), September-October 2017

Delores Wells Teddi Smith

Delores and Teddi in digital images from Playmate Holiday House Party shoot

Delores Wells, Playmate of the Month June 1960, and Teddi Smith, Playmate of the Month July 1960, a pictured along with fellow Playmates Carrie Radison, Joyce Nizzari, Christa Speck, Elaine Reynolds, Linda Gamble and Elizabeth Ann Roberts in digital images from the shoot for the pictorial Playmate Holiday House Party pictorial, which was published in the December 1961 issue. These images were not part of the original pictorial.

Delores Wells Kathy Douglas Susie Scott Teddi Smith

Teddi, Delores, Kathy and Susie in “Inside the Playboy Mansion”

Inside the Playboy Mansion

Teddi Smith, Playmate of the Month July 1960, Delores Wells, Playmate of the Month June 1960, Kathy Douglas, Playmate of the Month October 1960, and Susie Scott, Playmate of the Month February 1960, along with fellow Playmates Carrie Radison, Christa Speck, Sheralee Conners, Linda Gamble, Joni Mattis, Joyce Nizzari, Elaine Reynolds and Elizabeth Ann Roberts pictured in the book “Inside the Playboy Mansion: If You Don’t Swing Don’t Ring,” 1998. The spread was about the Playmate Holiday House Party pictorial in the December 1961 issue.

Delores Wells Teddi Smith

Teddi and Delores in “Inside the Playboy Mansion”

Teddi Smith, Playmate of the Month July 1960, and Delores Wells, Playmate of the Month June 1960, along with fellow Playmates Carrie Radison and Christa Speck pictured in the book “Inside the Playboy Mansion: If You Don’t Swing Don’t Ring,” 1998. The spread was about the Playmate Pillow Fight pictorial in the February 1963 issue.

Avis Kimble Delores Wells Kathy Douglas Susie Scott Teddi Smith

Kathy, Teddi, Delores, Susie and Avis in Playmate Holiday House Party

Playmate Holiday House Party pictorial
Playmate Holiday House Party pictorial
Playmate Holiday House Party pictorial
Playmate Holiday House Party pictorial
Playmate Holiday House Party pictorial

Kathy Douglas, Playmate of the Month October 1960, Delores Wells, Playmate of the Month June 1960, Teddi Smith, Playmate of the Month July 1960, and Susie Scott, Playmate of the Month February 1960, pictured Playmate Holiday House Party pictorial, December 1961. Also pictured but not mentioned in the text is Avis Kimble, Playmate of the Month November 1962 (dancing in blue dress in image on final page of the pictorial).

Delores Wells

Delores and Hugh Hefner

Playboy Playmate Delores Wells and Hugh Hefner

Delores Wells, Playmate of the Month June 1960, with Hugh Hefner at the Playboy Mansion, 1961